Crescent Beach Condos for sale
condo communities in Saint Augustine.
This paqe is where you will find search results for St. Augustine condos for sale. These links are basedon what past customers asked us to help them find. Its mainly broken down into location and property types. If you have a speacial request please contact us and we will try and help you find what you are looking for.
Locations -St. Augustine Condos
These are locations of St. Augustine condo complexes that are in Saint Johns county. This will give you an idea of what’s available in different areas.
Anastasia Island
Crescent Beach
Davis Shores
Not on Anastasia Island
City of St. Augustine
St. Augustine Beach
Vilano Beach
Type of veiw – St. Augustine Condos
Find condos by the type of view you are interested in.
These are search results based on the type of investment or other features people we have worked for in the past were interested in.
Bank owned
Short Sale Listings
Historic Properties
Luxury Properties
New Properties for sale
St. Augustine Condos on the west side of A1A
These condominium complexes are oceanfront. From these complexes you do not have to cross the road to get to the ocean. Click on the link and see what for sale.
Anastasia by the Sea Anastasia Condo Atlantic East Barefoot Trace Beach & Tennis Resort Beacher’s Lodge Bermuda Run Captain’s Quarters Colony Reef Coquina Condos Crescent Sandpiper Creston House Four Winds Hibiscus Island House Island South Ocean & Racquet Ocean Gallery Ocean Gate Ocean House Ocean Sunrise Ocean Village Club Ocean Villas Old Town Village Pelican Inlet Pier Point South Ponce Landing Quail Hollow Sand Dollar Sea Haven Condo Sea Matanzas Sea Oats Sea Place Seaside of Vilano Sea Winds Serenata Beach Spanish Trace Spyglass Summerhouse Tradewinds Windjammer
Contact Us
Landmark Realty, Inc. is a local real estate company that has been helping families find condominiums at Crescent Beach since 1989. If you are looking for a condo in one of the most beautiful areas of Florida, then Crescent Beach may be for you. We know the housing market in St Augustine and will find you the best buy. We would appreciate the opportunity to work for you!
Condos at Crescent Beach, Florida For Sale
Barefoot Trace Beachers Lodge Creston House Four Winds Ocean House Pelican Inlet Point Matanzas Quail Hollow Sand Dollar Spyglass Summerhouse Sunset Harbor Tarpon Run Windjammer
Contact Us
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